GCSI(June 24th-July 22nd) aims to enhance Social Sciences students' awareness of the importance of Asia in the globalising world. Students will spend the first two weeks in Taiwan(June 24th-July 8th) and the following two weeks in South Korea (July 9th-July 22th) attending academic lectures relating to three focus areas: social, cultural and political developments in Taiwan and South Korea. Students will critically examine these priority areas through a comparative lens as well as analyse their regional and global implications. Field visits to civil society organisations and political and cultural parties will be organised to provide students with a more holistic understanding of Taiwanese and South Korean societies. By the end of these four weeks, students will gain a unique perspective on Asia through interacting with academics, students, community leaders and people in the selected Asian societies.
The GlobalCitizenship Summer Institute (GCSI) 2018 event website:http://www.socsc.hku.hk/sigc/global-citizenship-summer-institute/
Contact Information
Ms Hong
Phone: 02-33668434
E-mail: syhung@ntu.edu.tw