This forum is divided into two sessions in Taipei and Kaohsiung. The one who would like to participate, please choose one of them to sign up.
【Taipei Session】
Date:Thursday, 17th October, 2019 09:00-16:00
Venue:Multimedia Classroom 1301, 3F, Tsai Lecture Hall, College of Law, NTU(Please enter from the XinHai Gate)
Adviser:Social and Family Affairs Administration, MOHW
Implementer:Graduate Institute of Public Affairs, NTU
【Kaohsiung Session】
Date:Thursday, 24th October, 2019 09:00-16:00
Venue:Meeting Room 102, Garden Villa
Adviser:Social and Family Affairs Administration, MOHW
Implementer:Graduate Institute of Public Affairs, NTU
The registration is performed online, and the notice of admission will be sent after registration.
Sign Up for【Taipei Session】:
Sign Up for【Kaohsiung Session】:
This lecture can count in public servant hours. If you need it, please check the box in the registration form.
This lecture can count in graduation speech hours. If you need to log in, please sign on the attendance sheet.
Contact Person:Mark, CHIANG (